The purpose of this organization is to create and broadcast quality television programs that enlighten, empower and educate Brooklyn residents through the extraordinary powerful medium of television.
Our programs address current issues and provide interesting information that is relevant, responsive and useful to Brooklyn residents, and encourages middle and high school students to excel.


Brooklyn45 was born/established in the 45th City Council District in 2000 by Executive Producer Sam Taitt and a small group of engaged community residents who were concerned about issues that affected the lives of thousands of Brooklyn residents and felt that providing information through television would be relevant, useful and interesting.
Brooklyn45 is a community access public affairs TV program that provides relevant and timely information that impacts residents and businesses in the borough of Brooklyn. We discuss topics that include community issues, education, politics, health, business and the arts.
Brooklyn45 is broadcast twice weekly on Thursdays at 9am and 8pm on: Optimum, channel 67; RCN channel 82; Spectrum, channel 1995; and Verizon, channel 42.
We are always interested in a story you want to tell or discussing an issue or topic you want to know about.
Opportunities are open for middle and high school students at Brooklyn public schools to come to our TV studios and talk about themselves, their performance in school and any non-school activities they are involved in.
Brooklyn45, Inc.
P.O. Box 100482 • Brooklyn, NY 11210 • Telephone: (646) 450-8908 • Email: Info@brooklyn45.com